Eastern Journal of Psychiatry

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VOLUME 16 , ISSUE 1-2 ( February-August, 2013 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Psychiatric Morbidity among Women Engaged in Commercial Sex Work in Kerala

Jins Mathew, KS Sengar

Citation Information : Mathew J, Sengar K. Psychiatric Morbidity among Women Engaged in Commercial Sex Work in Kerala. 2013; 16 (1-2):73-76.

DOI: 10.5005/EJP-16-1--2-73

License: NA

Published Online: 01-02-2013

Copyright Statement:  N/A


Sex is basic primary instinct inherited into human being and all other animals too. It is inseparable part of life of living creatures. However, time to time the concept of sex and sexuality was changing. Sex work has always raised a concern all over the world. However if its focus of concern changed over time that is to say, it was about social morality in olden time and it changed into mainly a health issue in current scenario in India, Government funds through NACO is executed through its states. However the main focus is not the prevention of sex work but rather change of sex behavior to prevent AIDS and STD. Organizations have been focusing on the rehabilitation of women involved in commercial sex work for years however the main focus of rehabilitation was on occupational rehabilitation, rare concern was recorded regarding the psychological wellbeing as well as rehabilitation. Aim: The present study aim to focus on the psychiatric morbidity among those women, involved in commercial street sex work. Method: 30 women actively involved in commercial street sex work and 30 women who are not involved in any form of commercial sex work were drawn as the sample from Ernakulam district of Kerala state, India, for the study. They were administered with MCMI-III to identify the psychiatric morbidity Results: The study resulted in revealing the different psychiatric morbidity found with those involved in commercial sex workers such as anxiety, dysthymia, alcohol dependence, drug dependence, post traumatic stress disorder and major depression.

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