Prevalence and Nature of Sexual Dysfunction in Patients of Type 2 Diabetes
Ranjan Das, Om Prakash Singh, Rajarshi Guha Thakurta, S. N. Ali, Asim Kumar Mallick, Amit Bhattacharya
Citation Information :
Das R, Singh OP, Thakurta RG, Ali SN, Mallick AK, Bhattacharya A. Prevalence and Nature of Sexual Dysfunction in Patients of Type 2 Diabetes. 2014; 17 (1):31-36.
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a frequently encountered chronic metabolic disease with various complications throughout its course which causes severe restriction and disability in an individual's life. Diabetes mellitus is a well known cause of sexual dysfunction in both men and women.
AIM: To study the prevalence and nature of sexual dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes.
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Single centre, cross sectional, single interview.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 100 Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Sexual dysfunction patients with type 2 diabetes were included in the study. The patients were assessed using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV to diagnose sexual dysfunction. Subsequently the patients were given ASEX scale to evaluate the type of sexual dysfunction. Socio demographic characteristics were assessed using a semi structured socio demographic proforma.
RESULT: Sexual dysfunction was reported in 48% of the subjects (n=96; 42 males, 54 females). Among them majority had low desire (n=70, 35%) followed by arousal and excitement problem (n=60, 30%). Orgasmic satisfaction, problem with orgasm and erection/lubrication problems were 28% (n=56), 26%(n=52) and 19.5%(39) respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between ASEX scores and HbAlc level (r=0.428, p=0.000) & duration of illness (r=0.304, p=0.000).
CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that sexual dysfunction is quite common in patients of type 2 diabetes. Duration of disease and poor glycaemic control further impairs the sexual functioning in patients of type 2 diabetes.
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