Post traumatic Stress Disorder are the disorders caused in reaction to occurrence of some unacceptable, unpleasant incidence leading to intolerable stress/anxiety. It may be natural or manmade like war, disaster, rape, torture etc. These disorders are found 1–3 percent in general population. All most seventy percent people of the general population experiences PTSD any time in their life time. Persistent avoidance of stimuli causing trauma is main feature of this entity. It can occur any time in life but most common in young adults. Most people do not experience the post traumatic catastrophic symptoms after passing the traumatic phase or some time after trauma the recovery starts taking place. However, significant number of people continuously experiences such symptoms and needs specialized intervention. The personality of the individual also plays a vital role on experiencing trauma and its recovery.
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition marked by the development of symptoms after exposure to traumatic life events. The person reacts to this experience with fear and helplessness, persistently relives them, and tries to avoid being reminded of it.
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