Eastern Journal of Psychiatry

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VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 1-2 ( February-August, 2011 ) > List of Articles


Headache Clinic in a Psychiatric Hospital

Neha Sayeed, Jyoti Mishra, Sayeed Akhtar, C.R.J. Khess, Avinash Sharma

Citation Information : Sayeed N, Mishra J, Akhtar S, Khess C, Sharma A. Headache Clinic in a Psychiatric Hospital. 2011; 14 (1-2):41-43.

DOI: 10.5005/EJP-14-1--2-41

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 13-10-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).


Headache as a symptom can be primary or secondary. As regards primary headache the psychological facors can serve as the sole basis of headache (e.g. conversion, hypochondriasis, somatization and somatoform pain disorders)2. Merskey (1965)3 and Large (1980)4 have reported a high incidence of neurosis and depression with an incidence rate of more than 50% in some studies5,6. Many patients with purely psychiartic morbidity may find the headache clinic a more attractive and less stigmatizing option to roll themselves for Psychiatric treatment, Hence the study was planned. The aim of the study was to fine out the frequency of patients with primary headache syndromes, co-morbid psychiatric diagnoses or psychiatric morbidity in patients enrolling themselves in the headache clinic located in a psychiatric hospital. The implication of the study has been discussed.

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