Background: Review of Literature suggests that cognitive deficits of patients with schizophrenia can be attributed to an inherent deficit of working memory. Hence, present study was conducted to assess the spatial working memory in schizophrenic patients, to compare it with normal control and to find out clinical and sociodemographic correlates of spatial working memory deficit.
Material & Method: The sample consisted of 25 schizophrenic patients (diagnosed according to DCR of ICD-10) and 25 normal participants. Psychopathology was rated on Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Normal participants were screened using General Health Questionnaire-12. The Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test was used to assess visuo-spatial working memory.
Result: Result shows that schizophrenic patient performed poorly on all the trials of ROCFT than normal control. Increased severity of psychopathology was correlated with poor visuo-spatial working memory.
Conclusion: Since severity of psychopathology was correlated with poor immediate recall trial and delayed recall trial, longitudinal studies will be important to know whether these deficits improve with improvement in psychopathology. Findings will help in framing cognitive rehabilitation strategies for management of the schizophrenic patients.
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