A Comparative Study of Thyroid Hormone Levels among the Normal Healthy Persons, Depression and Schizophrenia
Senjam Gojendra Singh, Sidhartha Debbarma, N. Heramani Singh, Th. Bihari Singh, R.K. Lenin, K. Shantibala Devi
Citation Information :
Singh SG, Debbarma S, Singh NH, Singh TB, Lenin R, Devi KS. A Comparative Study of Thyroid Hormone Levels among the Normal Healthy Persons, Depression and Schizophrenia. 2010; 13 (1-2):25-31.
Background: Thyroid disorders can induce virtually any psychiatric symptom or syndrome, although no consistent associations of specific syndromes and thyroid conditions are found. Abnormal thyroid hormone levels are common in psychiatric disorders
Material & Method: T3, T4, TSH levels were measured in a sample of 90 (ninety) cases who attended Department of Psychiatry, RIMS hospital. The sample consists 30 (thirty) cases each from three-group viz., Controls consisting of normal healthy persons, Schizophrenia, and Depression. Data was collected for a period of 1 year from the subjects who were fulfilling the DSM IV TR diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia and depression. All the study subjects were evaluated for socio demographic variables on semi structured Proforma. Thereafter the laboratory assessments of T3, T4, TSH levels were conducted in the Dept. of Biochemistry, RIMS.
Result: The blood level of T3 and T4 was seen highest among schizophrenic groups followed by control and depressive groups. Highest level of TSH was noticed in the depressive groups followed by controls and schizophrenia
Conclusion: This study shows that there is an abnormality in thyroid hormone levels in the psychiatric disorders of depression and schizophrenia. In depression, T3 and T4 levels are lower but higher in case of schizophrenia. TSH is higher in depression and lower in schizophrenia.
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