The predominant neuropsychological components found deficit among the chronic alcoholics is memory. The aim of the study was to assess the memory deficit among chronic alcoholics and non alcoholic groups. A total of 30 chronic alcohol dependent patients, diagnosed according to ICD- 10 criteria were selected through convenient sampling method. Another 30 matched non alcoholic groups were also selected and they were identified as non alcoholics based on the subjective report and the information's collected from friends and relatives. A semi structured proforma was used for collection of socio-demographic variables for both the groups. The NIM HANS Neuropsychological Battery was administered to both the groups. The components such as delayed recall, verbal learning and memory, verbal memory and visual learning and memory were found to be highly significant at 0.003 probability levels among the chronic alcoholics whereas sentence repetition was found to be insignificant at 0.015 probability level.
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